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The role of lecturers is to guide students through the discovery of new material, by gathering existing knowledge from comprehensive sources, prioritizing it, synthesizing it and eventually delivering the essence of the discipline. By bringing the material to life in the classroom, lecturers should offer a critical perspective, being honest about the limitations of the theories.


1. Adapting TEACHING AND TEACHING MATERIAL to the audience


I believe that a lecturer, regardless of his experience and publication record should adapt to his audience, and not the opposite.


This is something I have committed to do since I started teaching during my doctoral studies. I have been teaching psychology and research methods to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. My capacity to adapt to those different audiences is seen in the way I tailor my teaching to the level and expectations of each group. I make sure that every student finds something of interest in the course, regardless of his or her prior level of expertise in the field. This involves making research intuitive to those discovering it, and challenge students with a solid research design experience with more complex research techniques. 




I believe that teaching, even though it can be theoretical, has to be put in perspective with the real world.


Beyond my academic interests, I have kept active links with the business world. Before entering academia, I worked for a several years as a marketing practitioner. I have connections with the professional world, both in consultancy (McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group) and marketing (L’Oréal, LVMH). This gives me extensive opportunities to discuss my research with practitioners, to ensure it is relevant to both the academic and professional world.


3. ENCOURAGE Learning about research


I believe that learning how knowledge is created is the best way to understand and assimilate new knowledge.


To learn the cause of things (rerum causas cognoscere in Latin) is the motto of the London School of Economics, where I received my MSc and PhD in social psychology.

Learning the cause of things is one of the best ways to learn to develop as a thinker, and to better integrate new learning. It fosters active learning instead of passive learning.


4. ADOPT a trans-disciplinary approach


I believe that knowledge from more than one discipline is needed to make sense of the world.


For instance, as a researcher, I use work from neurosciences to deepen my understanding of psychological phenomena. Disciplines such as philosophy, sociology, anthropology and psychology are deeply intertwined. Management is a subject that requires knowledge of more than one discipline to be understood. Teaching students how they can use knowledge from other disciplines to make sense of a new one is crucial in developing this intellectual capacity to make sense of the world that employers look for.


5. Learning by doing


I believe that some knowledge cannot be learned in books


Bringing exercises and simulations into the classroom is essential. For most students, what they learn only comes to life when they start using it. In my recent developments of new courses, I use a creative and participative approach to teaching. For instance, when introducing the notion of priming in cognitive psychology, it is essential that students try to develop a priming task to understand what priming is about.



Cumulated teacher evaluation= 4.6/5

Teaching languages: English & French


Currently teaching

ESCP – Europe, London, UK

Business Game (BSc)

Luxury Management: Turning Points (MiM)

Luxury Management: Live Case (MiM)

Introduction to Experimental Research Methods (PhD)


Previously taught

ESCP – Europe, London, UK                                     2012 – 2021

Introduction to Business (BSc)

Study skills (BSc)

Collective Projects Management (BSc)

Intercultural Skills (BSc)

Marketing Management, lecturer (Master in European Business, MEB)

Introduction to Research Methods, lecturer, (Master in Management, MiM)

Understanding the Marketplace, lecturer and course convenor  (MSc in Creativity & Marketing, Master in Management, MiM, Executive MMK)

Creativity Seminars (MSc Marketing & Creativity)


University of Innsbruck, Austria                                                 2012– 2014

Brand-related behaviour, lecturer


Institut Supérieur de Commerce, Paris, France                                 2011 – 2012

Psychology of Creativity, Fashion and Luxury Goods, lecturer & course convenor


Richmond, The American International University in London, UK      2011  – 2012

Research Methods, lecturer,

Organizational Behaviour, lecturer

Introduction to Business, lecturer


London School of Economics and Political Science, UK                      2011 – 2018

Psychology of Consumption, lecturer


London School of Economics and Political Science                             2008 – 2011

Research Techniques for Social Psychologists, Teaching Assistant & lecturer, Institute of Social Psychology

Research Design for Experimental & Observational Studies, guest lecturer, Department of Statistics

Cognition and Culture, lecturer, Institute of Social Psychology

Study skills, MSc in Organisational and Social Psychology, Institute of Social Psychology, lecturer

Project officer supporting MSc dissertation writing, Institute of Social Psychology


London School of Economics and Political Science                            2007 – 2009

Introduction to Social Psychology, lecturer, Year 11 Summer School


European Summer School in Psychology                                       Summer 2007

Lecturing and supervising a group of undergraduate and graduate students working on a research project, organised by the European Federation of Psychology Student Associations (EFPSA) in Estonia.




Programme Development

MEB (Master in European Business), ESCP Europe Business School

MSc in International Management, Richmond University (RAIUL)

Bachelor in Business Administration, ESCP Europe Business School


Programme Administration

Bachelor in Management, European Academic and Scientific Director, ESCP Europe Business School:

•    Led the development of a programme of 400+ students

•    Developed and implemented a digital language learning platform

•    Developped blended modules

MiM (Master in Management), Specialisation in Management Research, Director, ESCP Europe Business School

•    Benchmarked against research-track at world-leading universities

•    Create a curriculum and worked with different Faculty member

•    Internal promotion

MEB (Master in European Business) academic coordinator, London Campus, ESCP Europe Business School


Course Development

Consumer Psychology PS 456, Institute of Social Psychology, London School of Economics

Psychology of Creativity, Fashion and Luxury Goods, Institut Supérieur de Commerce, Paris

Understanding the Marketplace, ESCP Europe, London

Luxury marketing, ESCP Europe, London



Developing syllabuses for QAA (Quality Assurance Agency) validation, Richmond University (RAIUL) & ESCP Europe Business School

Member of the EQUIS panel for ESCP Europe 2014 re-accreditation



Reflecting on the Development of An International Management Program


Creating an international management program can be a challenging experience. During my time as Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies at ESCP Business school, I was fortunate to be asked to develop a brand-new Bachelor of Science in Management degree, split across multiple campuses.


I identified three main challenges when developing an international Bachelor in Management and teaching international and cultural management.


Challenge 1: The Difficulty of Selecting and Harmonizing Content


A first difficulty faced when developing an international program consists in identifying areas in which there may be national differences. For instance, a management course on business law or business taxation is difficult to develop, as it requires an understanding of each country’s specificities. One needs to decide how to adapt the curriculum content to these specificities.


Finding the right balance requires to compare all local cultural contexts to try to balance common topic vs local specificities. Achieving 60 to 80% in common is crucial to ensure a harmonious overall student experience. Choosing classes with more of a humanities focus is helpful in that respect, as it gives the possibility to emphasize commonalities rather than differences.


Challenge 2: Different Selection Criteria and Different Student Expectations


Selecting students need to be done based on academic credential and capacity to adapt. When recruiting widely internationally, there is a need to balance academic abilities with ability to adapt and adjust to a new context.


Different markets also have different expectations of what constitute a good program. Certain courses may be deemed core courses in one country but constitute more of an elective course in another one. Having internships may be seen as peripheral or optional in some parts of the world, and an integrative part of a program in other parts of the world.


Challenge 3: Teaching Culture Vs Experiencing Cultural Differences


Students on an international business program need to discover that culture is a multifaceted concept that cannot be summarized to geographical and national differences. Culture, often defined as ‘the ways things are done’, can equally refer to a geographical culture, perhaps its most common form, but also to cultures of different organizations, or even departments within certain organizations. Finally, even age differences can lead to the development of marked generational differences, which can be assimilated to cultures. For students on an international management program, these are not abstract concepts, but quickly become reality.


Teaching cultural management to a class of students from the same country in their home country is easier than doing so to students from all around the world gathered in a country that is not home for them. You can transmit knowledge, but it is much harder to transmit experience. When teaching cultural differences, international students will right away know to what extent this applies to them and their experience.


Conclusion: Is There A Recipe For Success?


Overall, the development of such programs captures two trends on the undergraduate education market. The first trend is an increasing demand for programs which combine several disciplines, such as economics and history, natural sciences & management, etc. The second trend is a demand for opportunities for students to study in an international student context not simply at home, mixed with international students, but also abroad.


Perhaps the most important factor to create an international environment is to ensure that there is a true student body diversity. At some institutions, quotas exist for certain programs. 




London School of Economics and Political Science

Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) workshop


HEC Paris

1-week workshop on teaching undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education students


French Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports

Counsellor certification (BAFA), two 1-week workshops and a 2-week internship

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