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The two overarching questions that guide my research are:


1. What makes people think of themselves in terms of ‘I’ or ‘WE’? i.e. When and why do we think of ourselves as unique individuals and when and why do we think of ourselves as connected individuals?


2. When does the ‘I’ becomes a ‘WE’? i.e. What makes us shift from one mode of self-construal to another one?




Humans, technology, and Artificial Intelligence: from smart cities to big data, technology allows a finer understanding of human behaviour, but also creates a series of ethical dilemma. I investigate how individuals, consumers, interact with artificial intelligence and technology


Luxury consumption: Past, Present and Future: Luxury consumption can be tied to several factors, from status-related consumption to the construction of an ideal self. I look at conventional and unconventional forms of luxury consumption, the role of social media in luxury consumption, and the challenges and turning points ahead in the industry (sustainability, inclusivity, NFTs...) 


Healthcare: I look at healthcare from a variety of angles: how to understand unhealthy behaviours using behavioural science, how to improve team dynamics in a health unit context, or how to use gamification to improve patient adherence to treatments.




I am happy to be approached for master and doctoral supervision on any of the topics below. Just note that I have limited research supervision capacity and that do not always accept new supervisions every year.




I am an applied chartered psychologist with research interests in consumer, cross-cultural, social and organisational psychology. I am a multi-method, multi-epistemology researcher.


1. Research in Consumer Psychology


In consumer psychology, my current and previous research focuses on the conceptualization of attitudes, and the relation between thought associations, implicit and explicit brand attitudes – especially in the context of System 1 / System 2 information processing. I am also interested in applying self-construal theory (independent vs interdependent self) to the field of (cross-cultural) consumer psychology. Three topics recently captured my attention: the psychological consequences of co-producing goods (‘IKEA effect’), the consumption of luxury goods (especially in a cross-cultural context), and alternative forms of consumption.


2. Research in Organisational Psychology


My research in social and organisational psychology focuses on self-construal, i.e. the way individuals define their self in terms of interpersonal relations (interdependent self-construal) or uniqueness (independent self-construal, Markus and Kitayama, 1991). In my previous research, I investigated the role of power in determining individuals’ level of independent and interdependent self-construal. I am also interested in the role of creativity in processes of self-construal and influence.


Research Methods


The methods I use are both quantitative and qualitative. In terms of quantitative methods, I have been running both laboratory and online experiments, and I have also used questionnaires and secondary data analysis. As a quantitative researcher, I am knowledgeable with advances statistical procedures, including multiple regressions, log-linear models, analysis of variance, factor analysis, and reliability analysis. In terms of qualitative methods, I have run focus groups and interviews, and used netnography (online ethnographies). As a qualitative researcher, I am knowledgeable with content and thematic analysis. Finally, I am particularly interested in new research techniques, such as video camera (subcams) and computer programs measuring implicit attitudes (IAT test), and the potential of those techniques to improve research methods in psychology.




Cumulative total: circa 3,450,000 €


Cartier ESCP HEC Paris Chair Turning Points                           2024-2027

Research funding to explore Turning Points in the world and their impact on society


ESCP Europe Competitive Research Grants                                        2023

4-year funding for a doctoral position


Cartier ESCP HEC Paris Chair Turning Points                           2021-2024

Research funding to explore Turning Points in the world and their impact on society


Global Fashion Management Conference                        2019

Excellent Service Award


ESCP Europe Competitive Research Grants                                        2018

Research grant on social media and luxury


Global Fashion Management Conference                        2017

Best Reviewer Award


WikiStage #LeaderForChange                                 2016

Named LeaderForChange by the Wikistage foundation


ERASMUS+ Programme (EU FUNDED)                       2016-2019

Jean Monnet Module coordinator


L’Oréal Professorship in Marketing                                   2015-2018

Research funding to explore how behavioural science can help understanding consumer behaviour in the beauty industry


London School of Economics and Political Science                        2015

Nominated for LSESU Student-Led Teaching Excellence Awards


International Academy for Intercultural Research                                            2015

Nominated for the IAIR Early Career Award


European Marketing Academy Conference                        2015

Best paper award (with A.K. Rhode)


ESCP Europe Competitive Research Grants                                        2015

Research Project on improving Health Communication by using the First Person Perspective


KPMG ESCP Europe Risk & Strategy Chair                                          2014

Research project on assessing the risks associated with selling luxury goods online


SYNERGIE PRES Paris Nouveau Monde, France                      2014-2017

Disabilities in schools, hospitals and cities: cross-disciplinary approaches


Frankreichschwerpunkt, Austria                                                       2014

Travel grant for visiting fellowship


Global Fashion Management Conference                        2014

Best paper award (with D. Beckham)


ESCP Europe Competitive Research Grants                                        2014

Research project on emergency decision making and new research methods


Frankreichschwerpunkt, Austria                                                      2013

Research grant


LastMinute.Com, Germany                                                          2013

Sponsored research project on consumer spontaneity


Frankreichschwerpunkt, Austria                                                      2013

Travel and research grant for visiting fellowship


ESCP Europe Competitive Research Grants                                                2012

Research project on moment of need marketing and social influence


KPMG ESCP Europe Risk & Strategy Chair                                          2012

Research project on risk and performance in the luxury goods industry


London School of Economics and Political Science                    2008 – 2010

Research scholarship and travel grants


Goodenough College, London                                    2008 – 2010

Carden Scholarship Award


HEC Paris                                                    2006 – 2008

Research scholarship and travel grant




N° of Publication since 2014: 64

Hindex: 19

I10index= 22

Peer-reviewed articles: 36

Case studies: 13

Books & Book Chapters: 6

Business Magazine articles: 9

Others: 2




Voyer, B. G., Tarantola, T. (2018) Moral Psychology: A Multidisciplinary Guide, Edited Book, Springer, USA


Franks, B. & Voyer, B.G: (2018) What Does Agency Afford the Self? a Review of Talking to Our Selves: Reflection, Ignorance, and Agency, Behavioral and Brain Sciences


Rhode AK, Voyer BG and Gleibs IH (2016) Does Language Matter? Exploring Chinese–Korean Differences in Holistic Perception. Frontiers in Psychology. 7:1508. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01508


Roland-Lévy, C. Denoux, P., Boski, P., Gabrenya, W. K. Jr., Lemoine, J., Rhode, A. K., & Voyer, B. (Eds.). (2016). Unity, diversity and culture. Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. 


A.K. Rhode*, Voyer, B.G. (2015) The dangers of grouping countries into cultural clusters: Investigating between and within cultural variations in information processing styles and its consequences for advertising, in Advances in Consumer Research


Voyer, B.G., Franks, B. (2014) Toward a Better Understanding of Self-Construal Theory: An Agency View of the Processes of Self-Construal, Review of General Psychology, Vol 18 (2), pp 101-114




NICOLAY, O.  VOYER, B.G. & DESMICHEL, P. (2024) Luxury’s Upcoming dilemmas: How to rethink what we thought we knew about luxury, ESCP Impact Paper No.2024-12-EN, ESCP Business School 


DESMICHEL, MB, Voyer, BG and MAGGIONI, I (2024):  Recapturing time: What luxury should be about, ESCP Impact Paper No.2024-47-EN 


Leban, M., Errmann, A., Seo, Y.  Voyer, BG. (2024) ‘Mindful Practices in Luxury Travel: a case of the Faroe Islands’, accepted, Tourism Management.


Voyer, B. G. (2022). What can healthcare managers learn from marketing managers? Marketing theory concepts with implications for healthcare. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 28(7), 185-189.


Park, J., Kim, J., Lee, D. C., Kim, S. S., Voyer, B. G., Kim, C., Sung, B., Gonzalez-Jimenez, H., Fastoso, F., Choi, Y. K., & Yoon, S. (2021) The impact of COVID-19 on consumer evaluation of authentic advertising messages. Psychology & Marketing, n/a(n/a). 


Voyer, B. G., & Ko, E. (2021). In search of the next nexus: A maturing field for fashion research in the digital age. Journal of Business Research, 134, 375-377.


Gaston-Breton, C., Lemoine, J. E., Voyer, B. G., & Kastanakis, M. N. (2021). Pleasure, meaning or spirituality: Cross-cultural differences in orientations to happiness across 12 countries. Journal of Business Research, 134, 1-12. 


Sangle-Ferriere, M., & Voyer, B. G. (2022). Consumers’ propensity to avoid seeking assistance: Conceptualization and scale development. Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition), 37(4), 2-26.


Sajtos, L., Cao, J. T., Espinosa, J. A., Phau, I., Rossi, P., Sung, B., & Voyer, B. (2021). Brand love: Corroborating evidence across four continents. Journal of Business Research, 126, 591-604.


Leban, M., Thomsen, T. U., von Wallpach, S., & Voyer, B. G. (2020). Constructing personas: How high-net-worth social media influencers reconcile ethicality and living a luxury lifestyle. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-15.


Leban, M., Seo, Y., & Voyer, B. G. (2020). Transformational effects of social media lurking practices on luxury consumption. Journal of Business Research, 116, 514-521.


Voyer, B.G , (2019) Economía del comportamiento y la atención médica: una combinación hecha en el cielo, Capítulo 3: Economía del comportamiento y la atención médica: una combinación hecha en el cielo in Manual de Economía del Comportamiento Vol. 4: Salud,


Voyer, B.G., An interview with MonZen Tzen, ACCESS Magazine, Korea, 2019


Leban, M.* & Voyer, B.G., The Role of Influencers in Marketing Campaigns, , Routledge handbook on Influencer Marketing


Sanglé-Ferrière, M*, & Voyer, B.G. (2019), Understanding chat perceptions in a customer assistance channel, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, in press


Voyer, B.G. (2019) Émotions et comportement du consommateur, SURVEY Magazine


Leban, M.* & Voyer, B.G. (2018), Millionaires on Instagram: Millennials’ Display of Experiential Luxury and Personal Branding Strategies on Visual Social Media, forthcoming, Advances in Consumer Research


Voyer, B.G. (2018) Le Nudge, ce que l’on sait, ce qu’il apporte, SURVEY Magazine


Voyer, B.G. (2017) CB as I See It. In M Solomon, Consumer Behavior:  Buying, Having, and Being, Pearson Education), 12th Edition


Voyer, B.G. (2017) Introduction to marketing, 3 peer-reviewed introduction videos to marketing, SAGE UK Business Collection Online



Taillard, M., & Voyer, B. G, (2017)  Creativity and culture in marketing, in V.P. Glaveanu, The Palgrave Handbook of Creativity and Culture Research, Palgrave, Basingstoke, UK


Taillard, M., & Voyer, B. G, (2017) Creativity in Marketing, in V.P. Glaveanu, Cambridge Handbook of Creativity Across Different Domains, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK


Sangle-Ferriere, M., Voyer, B.G., (2017) Understanding chat perceptions in a customer assistance channel, Advances in Consumer Research, VOL 45, pp 862-864


Dovgialo*, K., Voyer, B.G., (2017) The influence of individual differences on purchase of (in)conspicuous luxury goods and shopping preferences (online vs in-store): a questionnaire study, Advances in Consumer Research, VOL 45


Leban*, M., Voyer, B.G., (2017), Exploring the concept of beauty in consumer research: a multidisciplinary framework & research agenda, Advances in Consumer Research, VOL 45


Voyer, B.G. (2017), “social media and branding: behind Kylie Cosmetics' success, new marketing rules and risks”, The Conversation, September 2017,


von Wallpach, Voyer, B. G. H. Muehlbacher, and M. Kastanakis (2016) Editorial to the special issue of Journal of Business Research on Co-creating Stakeholder and Brand Identities, Journal of Business Research


The Importance of Developing A Multi-Epistemological Framework for Studying Co-creation Research: A Reply to Csaba (2016), (with M. Kastanakis), Journal of Business Research


Voyer, B.G., M. Kastanakis, A.K. Rhode*, (2016), Co-creating stakeholder and brand identities: A cross-cultural consumer perspective  (with M. Kastanakis, A.K. Rhode*), Journal of Business Research


Joliette, M, Devos, M., Voyer, B. G.  (2016) Brand, business model, co-creation, community: what makes the true value of airbnb? The Case Centre, 30p, Case n° 515-184-1


Joliette, M, Devos, M., Voyer, B. G.  (2016) Teaching note: Brand, business model, co-creation, community: what makes the true value of airbnb? The Case Centre, 30p, Case n° 515-184-1


Joliette, M, Devos, M., Voyer, B. G.  (2016) Instructor presentation material: Brand, business model, co-creation, community: what makes the true value of airbnb? The Case Centre, pptx file, Case n° 515-184-1


Joliette, M, Devos, M., Voyer, B. G.  (2016) Marca, Modelo De Negocio, Co-Creación, Comunidad: Qué Constituye El Verdadero Valor De Airbnb? The Case Centre, 30p, Case n° E515-184-8B


Joliette, M, Devos, M., Voyer, B. G.  (2016) Instructor presentation material  Marca, Modelo De Negocio, Co-Creación, Comunidad: Qué Constituye El Verdadero Valor De Airbnb? The Case Centre, 30p, Case n°E515-184-8B


Joliette, M, Devos, M., Voyer, B. G.  (2016) Marke, geschäftsmodell, co-kreation, gemeinschaft: was macht wirklich den wert von airbnb aus? The Case Centre, 30p, D515-184-1


Joliette, M, Devos, M., Voyer, B. G.  (2016) Teaching note: Marke, geschäftsmodell, co-kreation, gemeinschaft: was macht wirklich den wert von airbnb aus? The Case Centre, 34p,n D515-184-8


Joliette, M, Devos, M., Voyer, B. G.  (2016) Instructor presentation material: Marke, geschäftsmodell, co-kreation, gemeinschaft: was macht wirklich den wert von airbnb aus? The Case Centre, pptx file, D515-184-8B


Leban, M* & Voyer, B.G. (2016) ," Luxury brand forums set the scene for status competition between consumers”, LSE Business Review, October 2016,


Voyer, B.G. (2016) Le comportement du consommateur : ce qu’il cache et comment le reveller, SURVEY Magazine


Voyer, B.G. (2016) What every luxury brand can learn from the transformation of Yves Saint Laurent, The Conversation:


Joliette, M, Devos, M., Voyer, B. G.  (2015) Marque, Business Model, Co-Création, Communauté : Qu’est-Ce Qui Fait Vraiment La Valeur D’airbnb? The Case Centre, 30p, Case n° F515-184-1


Joliette, M, Devos, M., Voyer, B. G.  (2015) Teaching note: Marque, Business Model, Co-Création, Communauté : Qu’est-Ce Qui Fait Vraiment La Valeur D’airbnb? The Case Centre, 30p, Case n° F515-184-8


Joliette, M, Devos, M., Voyer, B. G.  (2015) Instructor presentation material: Marque, Business Model, Co-Création, Communauté : Qu’est-Ce Qui Fait Vraiment La Valeur D’airbnb? The Case Centre, pptx file, Case n° F515-184-9


Leban, M* & Voyer, B.G. (2015) ,"Exploring the Specificities of Online Luxury Brand Communities: an Ingratiation Theory Perspective", in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 43, eds. Kristin Diehl and Carolyn Yoon, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 379-383.


Rhode, A.K., Voyer, B.G. (2015) , La transition vers un post e économie créative et le passage du statut d’ « imitateur » à celui d’ « innovateur » de l’économie mondiale: Mieux comprendre la créativité en Asie et ses enjeux, in Vadcar, C. Prospective & Entreprise, Corée du Sud, et économie creative, CCIR, Eyrolles, pp20-24


Beckham*, D. & Voyer, B. G. (2014) Can sustainability be luxurious? A Mixed-Method Investigation of Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Towards Sustainable Luxury Consumption, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research, June Cotte and Stacy Wood (eds.), Vol. XLII, 245-250, 5p


Taillard, M., Voyer, B. G., Glaveanu, V, Gritzali, (2014) A. Value creation in the consumption process: the role of consumer creativity, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research, June Cotte and Stacy Wood (eds.), Vol. XLII, 381-386, 5p


Samson, A., Voyer, B.G. (2014) Emergency Purchasing Situations: Implications For Consumer Decision-Making, Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol 44, Oct, pp 21-33


Kastanakis M., Voyer B., (2014), "The effect of culture on perception and cognition : A conceptual framework", Journal of Business Research, Vol. 67, Issue 4, pp 425-433, 8 p, special issue ‘culture comes first’


Voyer, B.G. (2014) Peak tattoo? The end of body art as rebellion as corporate logos get under the skin The Conversation:


Voyer, B.G. (2014) Chanel opts out of fashion’s love affair with online shopping, The Conversation, available online at:


Voyer, B. G. & Tran, V.  (2013) Chanel: Should the icon of timeless fashion catch up with its time and sell its clothes online?, The Case Centre, 22p, Case n° 313-290-1


Tran, V.  & Voyer, B. G. (2013) Teaching note: Chanel: Should the icon of timeless fashion catch up with its time and sell its clothes online? The Case Centre, 12p, Case n° 313-290-8


Kastanakis & Voyer, B. G. (2013), Cultural effects on perception and cognition: Integrating recent findings and reviewing implications for consumer research, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 40, eds. Zeynep Gürhan-Canli, Cele Otnes, and Rui (Juliet) Zhu, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 966-967


Kretz & Voyer (2013), Are Social Media Only Social? Understanding the Role of Social Media in the Processes of Independent and Interdependent Identity Construction, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 40, eds. Zeynep Gürhan-Canli, Cele Otnes, and Rui (Juliet) Zhu, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 587-588.


Samson & Voyer (2012), Two Minds, Three Ways: Dual System and Process Models in Consumer Psychology, in AMS Review, 2(2,3,4), Pages: 48-71, lead article


Czellar, Voyer, Schwob, & Luna (2009), Whence brand evaluations? Investigating the relevance of personal and extrapersonal associations in brand attitudes, in Advances in Consumer Research Volume 36, eds. Ann L. McGill and Sharon Shavitt, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 681-682.


Czellar, Luna, Voyer, & Schwob (2008), How personal are consumer brand evaluations? Disentangling the role of personal and extrapersonal and extrapersonal associations in consumer judgments, in Advances in Consumer Research Volume 35, eds. Angela Y. Lee and Dilip Soman, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 997-997.


Czellar, S., Voyer, B., Schwob, A., & Luna, D. (2008). Whence brand evaluations? Investigating the relevance of personal and extrapersonal associations in brand attitudes. Les Cahiers de Recherche HEC (890).




Voyer (2021), Marketing Theory Concepts with Implications for Healthcare, accepted for publication, British Journal of Healthcare Management


Voyer (2021) The smartness of cities lies in its citizens, The Choice,


Voyer & Provencher (2021), Vaccination and The Prevention of Communicable Diseases in Healthcare Settings: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic.”, Health Services Insights, Special Collection on A Pandemic-Led Worldwide Change in Health Service Delivery, SAGE Publications


Voyer et al. (2018), introduction to the special issue on Digital Transformation in Healthcare, British Journal of Healthcare Management


Sola, D., & Couturier, J., Voyer, B.G. (2015), Unlocking patient activation: Coupling e-health solutions coupled with gamification, British Journal of Healthcare Management, 21 (5), pp 223-228


Tran, V. & Voyer, B.G., (2015) Fostering innovation in healthcare management: An organisational perspective, British Journal of Healthcare Management, Volume 21 (3), Pages: 141-145, special issue ‘innovation in healthcare’


Voyer, B.G. (2015) ‘Nudging’ behaviours in healthcare management: Insights from Behavioural Economics, British Journal of Healthcare Management, Volume 21 (3), Pages: 130-135, special issue ‘innovation in healthcare’


Voyer, BG, Saulpic, O., Sola, D., Couturier, J., Bérard, E., Tran, V., Zarlowsky (2015), Introduction to the special issue on Innovation in Healthcare, British Journal of Healthcare Management, Volume 21(3), p 124


Voyer, B.G. (2015) What corporate culture for the office of the future? INFO Magazine, May Issue, p 45-45


Voyer, B.G. (2014) Training doctors and nurses for interdependence, British Journal of Healthcare Management, Volume 20, issue 1, pp 30-31


McIntosh, Voyer, B. G., & Shenoy, B. (2013), The care Dividend, British Journal of Healthcare Management, Volume 19, issue 6, pp 262-263


Voyer, B.G., & Reader, T.W. (2013), The Self-Construal of Nurses and Doctors: Beliefs on Interdependence and Independence in Geriatric Care, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69 (12), pp 2696–2706


Voyer, B. G., & McIntosh, B. (2013), The Psychological Consequences of Power on Self-perception: Implications for Leadership, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 34 (7), pp 639-660


Voyer (2013), Changes in the Relations and Roles of Doctors and Nurses, in the British Journal of Healthcare Management Volume 19, Issue 1, Pages: 644-649


McIntosh & Voyer (2012), A Perverse Psychological Contract - Failures in Healthcare Management, in the British Journal of Healthcare Management Volume 18, Issue 6, Pages: 290-291​​




‘I and AI’: Exploring the Implications of Generative AI for Team Collaborations (with Vorobeva*, Gonzalez-Jimenez, H)


It takes Two to Tango: Measuring Perceived Agency in Consumer-AI Interactions (with Sangle-Ferriere*, M; Sung, B; Sajtos, L.)


CEO Activism: A Delicate Balancing Act Towards A Multi-Level Theory of Stakeholder (Mis)Alignment” (with Zhang*, J.), target journal: Personnel Psychology


Sajtos, L.,  Voyer, B.G., Sung, B. and Sangle-Ferriere* , M. Customer journey 3.0: shared agency in human–AI interactions in a retailing and service context


To ‘Blend’ or ‘Shine’: The Chameleon Effect of Luxury Brand Prominence in Mindful Consumers with Errmann, A. and Giroux, M, under review at Psychology & Marketing


Insights from Younger Generations: The Case of Shadow Boards, target journal: Harvard Business Review


The charismatic authority of luxury brands: definition and implications (with Lecerf, C; Visconti, L)


The influence of visual attention on ad variation effectiveness: A cross-cultural analysis of East-Asian and Western perception on advertisements, with Chung Man Wong*, Revise & Resubmit to the Journal of International Consumer Marketing​



Peer-reviewed conference presentations


145 July 11-14, 2024, GFMC Global Fashion Management Conference (GFMC), Milano, Italy, presentation title: Status Signaling & Mindfulness (with Errmann, A. and Giroux, M,)


144. December 4-6, 2023, ANZMAC, Annual conference, Dunedin, New Zealand, session: Social Marketing, New Social Marketing Frameworks, presentation title: Generation Z & CEO Activism: A Socio-Emotional Framework


143. August 13-16, 2023, International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Limerick, Ireland, presentation title: Embedding Cross Cultural Psychology Content in a Traditional Business School Curriculum and Management Practice. (with S Glazer and William Gabrenya)


142. July 23-26, 2023, GMC Global Marketing Conference (GMC), Seoul, Korea, presentation title: Towards a better understanding of agency-sharing with AI: A Scale Development (with Sajtos, Sung, and Sangle-Ferriere*)


141. May 23-26, 2023, EMAC, Annual conference, Odense, Denmark, competitive paper title: “Cooperation or Competition: Conceptualising and Measuring Shared Agency Power in Customer-AI Interactions” (with Sajtos, Sung, and Sangle-Ferriere*)


140. Dec 5, 2022- Dec 7, 2022, ANZMAC, Annual conference, Perth, Australia, competitive paper title: “Conceptualising and measuring perceived agency sharing in customer-AI interactions” (with Sajtos, Sung, and Sangle-Ferriere*)


139. May 24-27, 2022, EMAC, Annual conference, Budapest, Hungary, competitive paper title: “Making decisions with AI in a service context: conceptualization and perceived shared agency” (with Sajtos, Sung, and Sangle-Ferriere*)


138. Nov 29 - Dec 1, 2021, ANZMAC, Annual conference, Melbourne, Australia, competitive paper title:“Consumers-AI interactions in a Decision-Making Context

” (with Sajtos, Sung, and Sangle-Ferriere*)


137. July 27-31, 2021, IACCP, biennial conference, Online, competitive paper title: “In pursuit of pleasure, meaning or spirituality? A comparison of cultural orientations and happiness” (with Gaston Breton, Lemoine, and Kastanakis*)


136. May 27-29, 2020, EMAC, annual conference, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary, working paper title:“Customizing or conforming? Exploring cross-cultural differences in consumers’ perception of customizable branded products” (with A.K. Rhode*)


135. 1-4 December 2019, ANZMAC, annual conference, Wellington, New Zealand, competitive paper title: “Exploring Antecedents and Outcomes of Renting-Over-Buying" (With D. ZHao*, Schmidt, J.)


134. 17-19 October 2019, Association for Consumer Research, North America, annual conference, Atlanta, Georgia, poster title: “Wisdoms of Non-Ownership Consumption: Exploring Antecedents and Outcomes of Renting Over Buying (RoB) Preferences for Home Appliances and Furniture Products" (With D. ZHao*, Schmidt, J.)


133. May 28 - May 31, 2019, EMAC Annual conference, University of Hamburg, Germany, presentation title: Millionaire Micro-Celebrities Personal Branding Strategies on Instagram (with M Leban*)


132. May 28 - May 31, 2019, EMAC Annual conference, University of Hamburg, Germany, presentation title: Understanding Customers' Propensity to Avoid Seeking Assistance: The Role of Individual Differences and Construct Measurement (with M Sangle Ferriere*)


131.       3-5 December 2018, ANZMAC, annual conference, Adelaide, AU, presentation title: Millenial Micro-Celebrities Personal Branding Strategies on Instagram (with M Leban*)


130.      3-5 December 2018, ANZMAC, annual conference, Adelaide, AU, presentation title: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Understanding Brand Prominence (with Hyunsuh Kim*)


129.      3-5 December 2018, ANZMAC, annual conference, Adelaide, AU, presentation title: Celebrity Name-Dropping and Competency Evaluation in a Professional Context (with J Dupire)


128.      11-13 October 2018, Association for Consumer Research, Annual Conference, Dallas, Texas, presentation title: Millionaires on Instagram: Millennials’ Display of Experiential Luxury and Personal Branding Strategies on Visual Social Media (with M Leban*)


127.      26-- 30 July 2018, GMC conference, biennial conference, Tokyo, Japan, presentation title: The influence of visual attention on ad variation effectiveness: A cross-cultural investigation on recall and attitudes towards a brand(with Y Wong*)


126.      26-- 30 July 2018, GMC conference, biennial conference, Tokyo, Japan, presentation title: exploring the concept of beauty in consumer research: a multidisciplinary framework & research agenda (with M Leban*)


125.      26-- 30 July 2018, GMC conference, biennial conference, Tokyo, Japan, presentation title: Millionaires and geo-tags: investigating millennials’ display of experiential luxury on Instagram (with M Leban*)


124.      1-- 5 July 2018, 24th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP 2018), Presentation title: Leadership, Work Motivation and General Happiness: A 12-country Explorative Study (with J Lemoine*)


123.      June 14-16, 2018, SERVSIG 2018, Opportunities for Services in a Challenging World, Paris, France, presentation title: Understanding need for customer assistance: measuring the personal differences that trigger customer assistance request (with M Sangle Ferriere*)


122.      23-- 25 May 2018, AMS 46TH annual conference , New Orleans, MN, USA, presentation title: Conceptualising Beauty in Consumer Research: A Framework and Research Agenda (with M Leban*)


121.       16-- 18 May 2018, AFM conference, annual conference, Strasbourg, France, presentation title: La propension à la demande d’assistance client : une mesure des variables individuelles qui favorisent la demande d’assistance client (with M Sangle Ferriere*)


120.      8-9 May 2018, Luxury The Mystique of Luxury Brand Conference, Singapore,  presentation title: More can be Less and Less can be More: A Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding Brand Prominence (with Hyunsuh Kim*, Camille Girard)


119.      4-7 December 2017, ANZMAC, annual conference, Melbourne, AU, presentation title: Understanding customers’ perceptions of chat (with M Sangle Ferriere)


118.      4-7 December 2017, ANZMAC, annual conference, Melbourne, AU, presentation title: Exploring Consumer Preferences for (In)Conspicuous Luxury Goods (with K Dovgialo)


117.      25-28 October 2017, Association for Consumer Research, Annual Conference, San Diego, California, presentation title: Exploring the concept of beauty in consumer research: a multidisciplinary framework & research agenda, (with M Leban*)


116.      25-28 October 2017, Association for Consumer Research, Annual Conference, San Diego, California, presentation title: Understanding chat perceptions in a customer assistance channel, with M. Sanglé-Ferrière*


115.      25-28 October 2017, Association for Consumer Research, Annual Conference, San Diego, California, presentation title: The influence of individual differences on purchase of (in)conspicuous luxury goods and shopping preferences (online vs in-store): a questionnaire study, with K Dovgialo*


114. July 6th-9th, 2017 , Global Fashion Management Conference, University of Vienna, Vienna, presentation title: “The influence of consumption values and self-construal on the purchase of (in)conspicuous luxury goods and shopping preferences: a questionnaire study” (with K Dovgialo*)


113. July 6th-9th, 2017 , Global Fashion Management Conference, University of Vienna, Vienna, presentation title: “Exploring the concept of beauty in consumer research: a multidisciplinary framework & research agenda” (with M Leban*)


112. May 23 - May 26 2017, European Marketing Academy (EMAC), University of Groningen, The Netherlands, presentation title: Understanding Perceptions Of Chat As A Customer Assistance Channel (with M Sangle-Ferriere*)


111.  December 5 - 7 2016, ANZMAC, annual conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, poster title: Improving health communication by using the first-person perspective (with F. Basso, O. Petit, Le Goff, K, O. Ouiller)


110.  July 30-August 3 2016, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Nagoya, Japan, presentation title: A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Stakeholder and Brand Identity Co-Creation (With M Kastanakis and A K Rhode*)


109.  July 30-August 3 2016, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Nagoya, Japan, presentation title: What makes cultural education meaningful for students? A case study Approach


108.  July 30-August 3 2016, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Nagoya, Japan, presentation title: Towards a Socio-Cultural Approach to Studying Consumer Creativity (with M Taillard)


107.  July 24-August 30 2016, International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, presentation title:Creativity in different social contexts (with M Taillard)


106.     21-24 Jul 2016, Global Marketing Conference (GMC), Hong Kong, presentation title: Understanding reciprocal identity co-creation across cultures


105.     May 24 – May 27 2016, European Marketing Academy (EMAC), annual conference, Oslo, Norway, presentation title: Co-creating stakeholder and brand identities: A cross-cultural consumer perspective (with M. Kastanakis, A.K. Rhode*)


104.     May 18 – May 20 2016, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, annual conference, Walt Disney World in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, presentation title: Co-creating stakeholder and brand identities: A cross-cultural consumer perspective (with M. Kastanakis, A.K. Rhode*)


103.     30 Novembre - 2 December 2015, ANZMAC, annual conference, Sydney, Australia, presentation title: Co-creating stakeholder and brand identities: A cross-cultural consumer perspective (with M. Kastanakis, A.K. Rhode*)


102.     30 Novembre - 2 December 2015, ANZMAC, annual conference, Sydney, Australia, presentation title: Exploring the Nature of Online Luxury Brand Communities: The Role of Ingratiation in Understanding Power Dynamics (with M. Leban*)


101.      Octobre 1-4 2015, Association For Consumer Research North American Conference, New Orleans, USA, presentation title:  Exploring the Specificities of Online Luxury Brand Communities: An Ingratiation Theory Perspective (with M. Leban*)


100.     Octobre 1-4 2015, Association For Consumer Research North American Conference, New Orleans, USA, presentation title:  The dangers of grouping countries into cultural clusters: Investigating between and within cultural variations in information processing styles and its consequences for advertising (with A.K. Rhodes*)


99.      June 25 - 28, 2015, Global Fashion Management Conference, Florence, Italy, presentation title: Empowerment through the use of ingratiation in hermès online luxury brand communities, (with M Leban*)


98.       19-21 June 2015, Association for Consumer Research, Asian Pacific Conference, annual conference, Hong Kong, China, poster title: Questioning the 'one size fits all' approach to cultural advertising: Investigating between and within cultural variations in information processing styles " (With AK Rhode*)


97.       26-29 May 2015, European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Leuven, Belgium, EMAC & GAMMA Joint Symposium: Bridging Asia and Europe in Research Collaborations'; presentation title: Questioning the ‘one size fits all’ approach to cultural advertising: Investigating between and within cultural variations.


96.       26-29 May 2015, European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Leuven, Belgium, poster title:  Do we see the world through the lens of culture? Exploring between and within cultural variations in perception and implications for advertising  (With AK Rhode*)


95.       26-29 May 2015, European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Leuven, Belgium, presentation title: You've got great taste” - the role of ingratiation in understanding the specificity of online luxury brand communities  (with M Leban*)


94.       1-3 December 2014, ANZMAC, annual conference, Brisbane, Australia, presentation title: Value Creation and Consumption: When Consumer creativity Generates Value in Online Forums (with Taillard, M, V. P. Glaveanu, A. Gritzali, A.)


93.       1-3 December 2014, ANZMAC, annual conference, Brisbane, Australia, presentation title: Is Luxury Compatible with Sustainability? Investigating Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Towards Sustainable Luxury, (with Beckham, D.*)


92.       23 - 26 October 2014, Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, Baltimore, MD, USA, presentation title: Can sustainability be luxurious? A Mixed-Method Investigation of Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Towards Sustainable Luxury Consumption (with D. Beckham*)


91.       23 - 26 October 2014, Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, Baltimore, MD, USA, presentation title: Value creation in the consumption process: the role of consumer creativity (with : Taillard, M., Glaveanu, V, Gritzali, A)


90.      15-19 Jul 2014, Global Marketing Conference (GMC), Singapore, presentation title: The Fragmented Self (with M Kastanakis)


89.       15-19 Jul 2014, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), International Conference, Reims, France, presentation title: Improving multidisciplinary healthcare team-management and social support through fostering interdependence


88.       3-6 June 2014, European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Valencia, Spain, presentation title:  Emergency purchasing situations: Implications for consumer decision-making  (with A Samson, M Kastanakis)


87.       13-15 Feb 2014, Global Fashion Management Conference, London, UK, presentation title: Can sustainability be luxurious? Investigating implicit and explicit attitudes towards sustainable luxury consumption, (with D. Beckham*)


86.       1-5 December 2013, ANZMAC, annual conference, Auckland, NZ, presentation title: Understanding Resource Integration in the Value Creation Process: The Role of Consumer Creativity, (with M Taillard)


85.       1-5 December 2013, ANZMAC, annual conference, Auckland, NZ, presentation title: The role of pre-behavioural processes in understanding cross-cultural differences in consumption, (with M Kastanakis)


84.       28-30 August 2013, British Psychological Society, SPS annual conference, Exeter, UK, presentation title: Towards a Better Understanding of Self-construal Theory:  Self-Agency and the Processes of Self-construal


83.       20 - 22 June 2013, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Regional Conference, Los Angeles, USA, presentation title: Understanding Morality Judgments: The Role of Self-Construal (with T Tarantola)


82.       18 - 21 June 2013, the Naples Forum on Service, Ischia, Italy, presentation title: The Role of Consumer Creativity in the Value Creation Process: A Conceptual Framework (with M Taillard & V. Glaveanu)


81.       4 – 7 June 2013, European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Istanbul, Turkey, presentation title:  The effect of culture on perception and cognition: A conceptual framework  (with M Kastanakis)


80.       4 – 7 June 2013, European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Istanbul, Turkey, presentation title: The Role of Consumer Creativity in the Value Creation Process: A Conceptual Framework (with M Taillard & V. Glaveanu)


79.       15 - 19 May 2013, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Monterey Bay, California, USA, presentation title, 'The Effect of Culture on Perception: A critical Review and Research Agenda for Consumer Research' (with M. Kastanakis)


78.       4 - 7 October 2012, Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, Vancouver, Canada, presentation title: Effects on perception and cognition: Integrating recent findings and reviewing implications for consumer research (with M Kastanakis)


77.       4 - 7 October 2012, Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, Vancouver, Canada, presentation title: Towards a Better Understanding of the Role of Social Media in the Processes of Independent and Interdependent Identity Construction (with G Kretz)


76.       19 – 22 July 2012, Global Marketing Conference (GMC), Seoul, Republic of Korea, presentation title: The Effect of Culture on Perception: A critical Review and Research Agenda for Consumer Research. (with Kastanakis)


75.       17 – 21 July 2012, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), International Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa, presentation title: Relations between Professional Differences in Self-Construal and Decision-Making.


74.       17 – 21 July 2012, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), International Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa, presentation title: Cross-cultural Differences in Morality Judgements: the Role of Self-construal. (with Tarantola)


73.       22 – 25 May 2012, European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Lisbon, Portugal, presentation title:  Are social media only social? Understanding the role of social media in the processes of independent and interdependent identity construction.


72.       9 – 12 July 2011, International Society for Political Psychology (ISPP), International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, presentation title: The psychological consequences of power on self-perception: implications for leadership research.


71.        30 June 2011 – 3 July 2011, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), European Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, presentation title: Understanding Self-construal: reviewing 20 years of research.


70.       21 – 22 May 2010, 11th Intergraduate PhD Conference, The London School of Economics and Political Science, London presentation title: does being creative make oneself more independent? Understanding the relation between creativity and self-construal (with Glaveanu)


69.       22 – 23 May 2009, 10th Intergraduate PhD Conference, The London School of Economics and Political Science, presentation title: can power change the way one construes his or herself?


68.       23 – 26 October 2008, Association for Consumer research (ACR) North American Conference, San Francisco, CA, presentation title: whence Brand Evaluations? Investigating the Relevance of Personal and Extra-personal Associations in Brand Attitudes  (with Czellar, Luna and Schwob)


67.       27 – 31 July 2008, International Association for Cross-cultural Psychology (IACCP), International Congress, Bremen, Germany. Presentation title: extending the understanding of self-construal mechanisms: investigating the role of power in self-construal formation


66.       17 May 2008, 9th Intergraduate PhD Conference, organised by the University of Cambridge and the London School of Economics in Cambridge (UK). Presentation Title: understanding self-construal mechanisms: cultural vs. personality impacts


65.       23 – 25 October 2007, Association for Consumer research (ACR) North American Conference, Memphis, TN, Presentation title: how personal are consumer brand evaluations? Disentangling the role of personal and extra-personal associations in consumer judgments (with Czellar, Luna and Schwob)


64.       31 July – 6 August 2007, 1st European Summer School in Psychology organised by the European Federation of Psychology Students' Associations (EFPSA). Lectured and supervised a group of 6 students and worked together on a research project. Workshop title: Power, Culture and the Self


63.       19 May 2007, 8th Intergraduate PhD Conference, Organised by the University of Cambridge and the London School of Economics and Political Science. Understanding the relation between power and self-perception


Invited presentations & Keynotes

62. 6 March 2024, GCVA Annual Conference, London, presentation title:  Understanding the Mind of Consumers


61. 17 May 2023, Bath University – School of Management, presentation title:  Working with the media as an academic


60. 8 October 2021, Victoria University of Wellington, presentation title:  conceptualising the psychological consequences of interacting with AI


59. 23 September 2021, University of Auckland, presentation title:  conceptualising the psychological consequences of interacting with AI


58. July 6, 2020, ADL Consulting x ESCP Webinar – The future of Consumer Behaviour


57. May 4, ESCP Master Class - What behavioural science can tell us about buying behaviour in the wake of a Pandemic, 392 live audience


56. May 28 - May 31, 2019, EMAC SIG - Branding: Critical reflections on brand management: Theory, practice and future directions, University of Hamburg, Germany, presentation title: The brand is dead, long live the brand? Reflecting on the (ir)relevance of brands in the 21st century


55.       08 October 2018, Panel discussion, London School of Economics, topic: 199Z: Diversity Revisited


54.       24 April 2018, Public Lecture, London School of Economics, topic: Power At Play


53.       7 November 2017, Keynote speech, ActionSanté, Swiss Ministry of Health, Bern, Switzerland


52.       21 October 2016, Keynote speech, Swiss Congress on Health Economics and Health Sciences & Forum for Future Health, Bern, Switzerland


51.        12 Novembre 2015, University of Warwick, Department of Psychology, Self-construal Theory: challenging the theory and applying it to new domains


50.       7 November 2015, Institute of Social Psychology, London School of Economics, Cumberland Lodge weekend, UK: presentation title: The good and the evil about consumer behaviour prediction


49.       6 Novembre 2015, WIKIstage, ESCP Europe, London, Bridging Western and Eastern education models: Why it is right to encourage students to get it wrong


48.       12 Octobre 2015, Netherall House, London The Psychology of Power: Can power change how we connect with others?


47.       17 January 2015, TEDx Hult Business School, session theme: Global contact, what makes our lives connected, talk title: Can Power Change how we connect with others?


46.       28 Novembre 2014, University of Newcastle, Australia invited seminar, presentation title: Understanding Self-construal: Theoretical & Empirical Perspectives


45.       8 November 2014, Institute of Social Psychology, London School of Economics, Cumberland Lodge weekend, UK: presentation title: What are we doing consumer psychology for?


44.       23 Octobre 2014, University of Baltimore, invited seminar, presentation title: Researching and consulting in I/O psychology


43.       9 June 2014, ESCP Europe Business School, London, presentation title: The Role of Consumer Creativity in the Value Creation Process: A Conceptual Framework (with M Taillard and V. P. Glaveanu)


42.       7 May 2014, University of Innsbruck, Austria, presentation title: Self-construal research in Management


41.       23 April 2014, Decision Technology, London, invited research seminar, presentation title: Emergency Purchasing Situations, a research agenda


40.       21 November 2013, Brunel University, invited seminar, presentation title: Researching Cross-cultural Psychology in Management: Insights from marketing & organisational research


39.       9 November 2013, Institute of Social Psychology, London School of Economics, Cumberland Lodge weekend, UK: presentation title: Consumer psychology research: Good or evil? A debate.


38.       13 Septembre 2013, L2 Think Tank, London, presentation title: disruptive research methods in consumer research


37.       11 July 2013, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, presentation title: Research Self-construal: a multi-method, multi-disciplinary perspective


36.       9 July 2013, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, presentation title: Using self-construal theory in Marketing research


35.       24 April 2013, University of Innsbruck, Austria, presentation title: Research Self-construal: a multi-method, multi-disciplinary perspective


34.       11 November 2012, Institute of Social Psychology, London School of Economics, Cumberland Lodge weekend, UK: presentation title: Reflecting on Consumerism: Rethinking the Role of Psychologists in Understanding Consumption


33.       1 November 2012, Brunel University, invited seminar, presentation title: Cross-cultural Psychology and Management: examples of applied research


32.       21st March 2012, Social Media in Financial Services Conference, organized by MarketForce UK, presentation title: The value of ‘People like Me’: why financial services need consumer generated content


31.        26 November 2011, Institute of Social Psychology, London School of Economics, Cumberland Lodge weekend, UK: presentation title: Understanding Consumer Behaviour: Psychologists’ Job or Marketers’ job?


30.       3 November 2011, Research at Richmond (R@R), Richmond University, London, Uk, presentation title: Power & Self-construal: Consequences for Understanding Leadership


29.       9 May 2011, Research Seminar, London School of Economics, Department of Management, presentation title: Research Self-Construal: Consequences for Organisational and Consumer Research


28.       23rd March 2011, Social Psychology Society, London School of Economics, presentation title:  The Perfect Performance, a social-psychological perspective (with Jude Kelly, OBE)


27.       19 April 2010, ESC Rennes Business School: invited research seminar, presentation title: Exploring the relation between power and self-perception and its consequences for organisations


Conference Session Chair and Discussant


145 July 11-14, 2024, GFMC Global Fashion Management Conference (GFMC), Milano, Italy, Master of Ceremony, Gala Dinner


145 July 11-14, 2024, GFMC Global Fashion Management Conference (GFMC), Milano, Italy, Track Chair: Turning Points in Luxury


January 18-20 2024., 23rd International Marketing Trends Conference, Venice, IT, co-chair of the Luxury Marketing track


January 18-20 2024., 23rd International Marketing Trends Conference, Venice, IT, moderator of the “new challenges in Luxury marketing” round table


January 18-20 2024., 23rd International Marketing Trends Conference, Venice, IT, co-chair of the Elyette Roux Young Researcher Award


July 23-26, 2023, GMC Global Marketing Conference (GMC), Seoul, Korea, Co-Presider of the Gala Dinner


September 21, 2023, RedBoxMe x CARTIER, co-discussant, ‘identity as a negotiation’


July 23-26, 2023, GMC Global Marketing Conference (GMC), Seoul, Korea, Session Chair: Turning Points in Luxury


December 5-7 2022 ANZMAC, annual conference, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, session chair: Services, Retailing and Customer Experience - Chatbots in service interactions


27. May 28 - May 31, 2019, GAMMA - EMAC joint symposium, University of Hamburg, Germany, session title: EMAC-GAMMA III: Service and Brand Management in the Sharing Economy


26.       26-- 30 July 2018, GMC CONFERENCE, biennial conference, Tokyo, Japan, track chair: Beauty, Aesthetics and Design in Marketing


25.  July 6th-9th, 2017, Global Fashion Management Conference, University of Vienna, Vienna, session chair: Beauty, Aesthetics and Design in Marketing 


24.  19 January 2017, Jean Monnet Module Roudtable Series, ESCP Europe, London, UK, session chair and discussant:  Brexit and Higher Education


23.  July 24-August 30 2016, International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, Symposium Chair: Individual and social perspectives on creativity across applied domains


22.       1-3 December 2014, ANZMAC, annual conference, Brisbane, Australia, session chair, session title: Online & Digital Consumption


21.        6 -9 July 2017, GFMC, biennal conference, Vienna, Austria, track chair, session title: 


20.       1-3 December 2014, ANZMAC, annual conference, Brisbane, Australia, session chair, session title: Online & Digital Consumption


19.       12 March 2014, ESCP Europe, Paris, France, ‘Les Nouveaux Défis de l’industrie du Luxe’, en partenariat avec la Chaire KPMG/ESCP Europe "Gouvernance, Stratégie, Risques et Performance".


18.       13-15 Feb 2014, Global Fashion Management Conference, London, UK, session chair: Sustainable Luxury Marketing


17.        1-5 December 2013, ANZMAC-GAMMA Joint Symposium, ANZMAC, annual conference, Auckland, NZ, session chair


16.       2 October 2013, London School of Economics, London, UK, lecture chair; title: Predatory Thinking, by Dave Trott


15.        4 – 7 June 2013, European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Istanbul, Turkey, session title: Marketing theory


14.        4 – 7 June 2013, European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Istanbul, Turkey, session title:  Culture in consumption: Cross-cultural, global and country of origin research


13.        4 - 7 October 2012, Association for Consumer Research (ACR), North American Conference, Vancouver, Canada, session title: Survey and Individual Difference Issues


12.       17 – 21 July 2012, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), International Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa, session title: Moral Psychology / Racism


11.        9 – 12 July 2011, International Society for Political Psychology (ISPP), International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, session title: Leadership and political personality: discussant.


10.       3 June 2011, 12th Inter Graduate Conference, The London School of Economics and Political Science, London: session title: Self and the Other: chair



9.         28 June 2012, ESCP Europe, London, workshop title: Big Data and Marketing: It’s all about Creativity(organisation committee)


8.         14 October 2011, AKO Capital, London, UK: workshop title: the role of extreme events on consumer behaviours (with C. Provencher)


7.         17 – 20 January 2011, Meet the Editors of Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing and Marketing Science, Young Marketing Faculty Publishing Workshop, organised by FNEGE and AFM in Paris, participant.


Conference & society awards

6.         July 2017, Best Reviewer Award, July 6th-9th, 2017, Global Fashion Management Conference, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria


5.         Septembre 2016, Toulouse, France, Best Paper Presented at Doctoral Symposium, with Sanglé-Ferrière, M.,


4.         July 30-August 3 2016, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, (IACCP) Nagoya, Japan, nominated for the IACCP Early Career Award


3.         28 June  - 2 July 2015, Bergen, Norway, International Academy for Intercultural Research, nominated for the IAIR Early Career Award


2.         26-29 May 2015, European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Leuven, Belgium, EMAC & GAMMA Joint Symposium: Bridging Asia and Europe in Research Collaborations'; Best Conference Paper Award for: Questioning the ‘one size fits all’ approach to cultural advertising: Investigating between and within cultural variations, (with A.K. Rhode)


1.          13-15 Feb 2014, Global Fashion Management Conference, London, UK, Best Conference Paper Award for: Can sustainability be luxurious? Investigating implicit and explicit attitudes towards sustainable luxury consumption, (with D. Beckham)




   Editorial Board

British Journal of Healthcare Management (2013 – Present)

Journal of Global Sport Management (2015 – 2017)

ACCESS (Korea) (2019 – Present)


    Area Editor

Journal of Global Fashion Management (2015 – Present)


    Guest editorships

European Management Journal: management focus on Trends and Innovation in Marketing, with E. Ko, H. Kim

Journal of Business Research: special issue on Digital and Social Media Marketing and Management in the Fashion Industry, with E. Ko

Journal of Business Research: special issue on Co-creating Stakeholder and Brand Identities, with S. von Wallpach, H. Muehlbacher, and M. Kastanakis

British Journal of Healthcare Management: special issue on Innovation in Healthcare, with D. Sola, O Saulpic, J Couturier, C Bonnier, P. Zarlovski, E. Bérard, V. Tran

Journal of Global Fashion Management: special issue on Beauty, Aesthetics, & Design in Marketing, with M Kastanakis


    Directorship of Association

Director, British & French Marketing Management, SBU - GAMMA


International rankings

QS World University Ranking - Reviewer

Times Higher Education World University Rankings - Reviewer


Reviewing (current & past)

University of Cambridge, Frontiers in Psychology, Journal of Interprofessional Care, SERVSIG Conference, Current Psychology, National Science Center, Poland, Policy Studies, International Journal of Business Performance Management, International Marketing Review, Springer Plus, Fund for Scientific Research – FNRS Belgium, Academy of Marketing Science, Health Promotion International, Journal of Business Research, Learning and Individual Differences, International Journal of Stress Management, International Perspectives in Psychology, British Journal of Healthcare Management, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, Asian Women, Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences, Routledge, Atlas AFMI/CCMP International Case Study competition, Association for Consumer Research, Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC), European Marketing Acdemy (EMAC), European Academy of Management (EURAM), International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), LSE – Cambridge Inter-Graduate PhD Conference


Scientific Committees / chairing

1.    International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, International conference, Delph, 2018


2.    Global Fashion Management Conference, Vienna, 2017, track chair


3.    GAMMA Young Artist Competition, GFMC conference 2017


4.    GAMMA Young Artist Competition, GMC conference 2016


5.    Editorial Advisory Board, The Mystique of Luxury Brands Conference 2016


6.    International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Communication and Publications Committee, term dates: 2014-2018


7.    International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, International conference, Reims, 2014


Organisation Committees

8.    4 June 2015, ESCP Europe, London, UK, ‘shaping the future of Healthcare in Europe: A Management Innovation Approach".


9.    12 March 2014, ESCP Europe, Paris, France, ‘Les Nouveaux Défis de l’industrie du Luxe’, en partenariat avec la Chaire KPMG/ESCP Europe "Gouvernance, Stratégie, Risques et Performance".


10.    ESCP Europe, London, workshop title: Big Data and Marketing: From Analytics to Creativity, 28th June 2012


11.    Goodenough College, London, conference on multicultural identities, with Pr Tarik Ramadan (Oxford University) and Pr Henrietta Moore (LSE and Cambridge University), 20th May 2010.


12.    Inter Graduate Conference, Organisation committee, 17 of May 2008, International conference in social psychology aimed at post-doctoral and post-graduate research students.



University of London International Programmes, LSE, Elements of Social and Applied Psychology, 2009-2015


PhD Thesis Examiner & Jury


Dr Alice Soriano, Université of Aix-Marseille, November 2016

Dr Tiffany Baer, Université de Genève, Mars, 2018


Student Representative

PhD program, Institute of Psychology, LSE (2009 -2011)


Research Groups

Creativity Marketing Centre (CMC), ESCP Europe


Health Management Innovation (HMI), ESCP Europe


Happiness Management Research Centre, ESCP Europe


INCLUDEE, diversity & inclusion in education, ESCP Europe


Centre for the Cultural Psychology of Creativity (ICCPC), Aalborg University, Denmark, Research associate


Subjective Human Experience Observation System project (SHEOS), led by Saadi Lahlou at the London School of Economics in associations with researchers at Stanford University, the Russian Academy of Science, CNRS, UCSD, UCLA, and the Max Planck Institute)

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